ILM India Trust

Our charity has one mission, “Caring and Respect for All.” We respond to the needs of the most marginalised and vulnerable people and tackle root causes of their sufferings and poverty. We enable individuals and communities to tackle the effect of natural or human created disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, and protection. We always promote and encourage partnership approach with a focus on long term sustainable development.

ILM India Trust

Global not-for-profit organization, working towards fighting poverty and creating jobs since 2004.




Our charity has one mission, “Caring and Respect for All.” We respond to the needs of the most marginalised and vulnerable people and tackle root causes of their sufferings and poverty. We enable individuals and communities to tackle the effect of natural or human created disasters, prepare for their occurrence and respond by providing relief, and protection. We always promote and encourage partnership approach with a focus on long term sustainable development.

ILM India Trust is a global not-for-profit
organisation working towards fighting
poverty and creating jobs since 2004.

What We Do

We use an integrated approach instead of working with only one sector because poverty is multidimensional

Job Creation

Village Uplift

Child Labour Elimination

Health Care

Solid Waste Management

Skill Development & Women Empowerment

Natural Resource Management

Our Goal

To create 10 million jobs by 2025

What makes us different

We understand the cause-effect relationship between various dimensions of poverty. This is the reason why we chose not to work with just one sector, instead use a unique integrated approach. Our approach aims to reduce poverty by tackling social, economic and environmental factors. The interventions used are job creation, access to credit, education, health, livelihood and environment management.

Integrated Approach

Focus on Quality

Global Presence

Community Participation

Academy for Social Entrepreneurship

Focus on Sustainability

Private Public Partnerships

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Donate Directly

More ways to reach out and give

Donate over the Phone

If you would like to donate to any of our appeals over the phone, please call +919696198334 and ask for the Admin Team who will be more than happy to assist with your donation.

Donate by Cheque

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Donate by Bank Transfer

To donate by bank please use account name

100% Zakat Policy

What you give is what those who need it get - 100% of your Zakat

Donate Where most needed